Company Policies

Policies and Certifications

The safety, security, health and environmental aspect for our products and employees is at the forefront of our everyday operations.

Searles Valley Minerals is committed to making innovative products that can be used safely for their intended purposes. In order to fulfill this commitment reliably and responsibly, Searles Valley Minerals’ SSHE Management System provides a comprehensive framework for driving continuous improvement in product safety and stewardship. Searles Valley Minerals affirms its responsibility to understand, manage, and communicate the health, safety, and environmental impacts of its products. We follow product safety and stewardship management practices to systematically improve our product safety and performance.

These management practices are outlined below. Please click on the icons for description and product specific information where applicable.


Energy Surcharge

Safety, Security, Health and Environmental Policy

ISO 9001

National Sanitation Foundation International


Safety, Security, Health and Environmental Policy

It is the policy of Searles Valley Minerals (SVM) to carry out its business activities in a manner consistent with sound Safety, Security, Health and Environmental (SSHE) management practices. We are committed to complying with applicable Safety, Security, Health and Environmental laws, regulations, internal and external standards, and to openly communicate with our stakeholders about our SSHE performance. Our goal is to enable employees to work without injury, to be good neighbors, to be a responsible supplier of products and to improve our environmental and safety performance.

Our key priorities are to:

Operate our facilities and conduct business in such a way as to protect the safety, security and health of our employees, contractors and the community.

Minimize the environmental impact of our operations and business practices.

Work to improve energy efficiency and conservation in existing operations and in new equipment and processes.

Employees and others acting on Searles Valley Minerals’ behalf are responsible for knowing and complying with applicable SSHE laws and regulations as well as with Searles Valley Minerals’ SSHE-related policies, procedures and guidelines. Managers and Supervisors are responsible for providing adequate training, information and supervision so employees are competent in performing their jobs.

ISO 9001

All items with the exception of Sodium Chloride.

ISO 9001 is the international standard that specifies requirements for a quality management system (QMS). Organizations use the standard to demonstrate the ability to consistently provide products and services that meet customer and regulatory requirements. “ISO certified” means that an organization has developed, maintains and continuously improves its business processes. This is accomplished by measuring and comparing business performance to appropriate quality standards.

Searles Valley Minerals is committed to manufacturing and delivering products and services which will satisfy or exceed our customer’s expectations. We believe that our focus on continual improvement and the total quality process will provide the highest value to our customers, employees, investors, suppliers and the community.

We will strive to improve the effectiveness of the processes described in our Quality Management System under ISO 9001 and to assure that the objectives are communicated and understood throughout the company.

National Sanitation Foundation International

Soda Ash Only


Manufacturers, regulators and consumers look to NSF International for the development of public health standards and certification programs that help protect the world’s food, water, consumer products and environment.


NSF has been dedicated to protecting and improving global human health since 1944. As a global, independent organization, their standards team facilitates development of public health standards, and their service teams test, audit and certify products and services. The NSF mark assures consumers, retailers and regulators that certified products have been rigorously tested to comply with all standard requirements. 


Soda Ash and Sodium Sulfate Only


The word kosher means proper or acceptable and it has informally entered the English language with that meaning. But kosher laws have their origin in the Bible, and are detailed in the Talmud and the other codes of Jewish traditions. They have been applied through the centuries to ever-changing situations, and these rulings, both ancient and modern, govern OU kosher certification.

Kosher Certification is the stamp of kosher approval by a rabbinic Agency verifying they have checked the products ingredients, production facility and actual production to ensure all ingredients, derivatives, tools and machinery have no trace of non-kosher substances. The Kosher Certified symbol assures consumers that both the actual product and its production adhere to all Kosher Law requirements.